Friday, August 29, 2014

Box turtle on the run

Turtles are not exactly fast movers on land, but when they decide it's time to dive into the water, a seemingly static scene can suddenly become a brief moment of motion.  This one pitched a (disdainful?) glance back at me, as he or she left the sunny perch on an overflow conduit.



  1. I love your description!!!! And, the photo is spectacular!!! Thank you for my morning laugh and sense of wonder.

    1. You're welcome, and thank you for my morning lift!

  2. The turtle is rich in symbolic meaning. My favorite turtle/creation myth is that of Cambodia's: "The Hindu re-creation story of a tug-of-war between gods and demons, pulling a giant snake wrapped around a mountain and rotating a turtle to churn the ocean into milk..."

    1. That is quite a tale. In a simpler vein, I've long enjoyed the legends and modern references to the Earth being supported by a series of turtles, an infinite regress:

  3. Turtle has a lot of algae growth on shell but looks healthy overall. There is a lot of symmetry in your photo...the waves of the conduit and the waves on the turtle shell and the waves in the water. The colors are amazing as well. Wonderfully artistic shot.

    1. There was quite a lot of algae in the lake as well, but healthy looking birds seemed to be finding enough fish to eat, so I assume the turtle and its peers are doing okay. Thank you for noticing the kinds of visual features that draw me to a scene and interest me in "working it". I try to render something beyond simply a nice subject.


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