Wednesday, August 27, 2014

iPhone does Stratocumulus

Sometimes, on a day and at a location where one would not expect any interesting photo opportunities, things just pop up. I try to keep an eye on the sky, without bumping into hazards or tripping over my own feet. In a parking lot, this view to the north was saved for my by the iPhone in my pocket.

The sun was almost at the horizon (which couldn't be seen). In the few minutes that it took me to get to my DSLR and zip to a location with a view of the western sky, the unusual cloud formations had dissipated, but rich sunset colors somewhat made up for that. Wires intruded on all the best areas of pink clouds, so I embraced them as part of the composition.

Call me a tree hugger.  I guess I hug them with my camera lenses.



  1. These are gorgeous photos, Jess! The middle photo, with the telephone wires, looks like ... what do you call them ... those lines on which musical notes go??

    1. Thank you! Staff lines...yes, even the right number, five, though unevenly spaced. All we need is a few perched birds to represent note heads!

  2. I love Jacqui's analogy of power lines and a musical staff! And the pictures, as always, are gorgeous. :-)

    1. Thanks! I have some creative followers, which helps keep me motivated and refreshed. :<)


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