Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nothing encourages like attempted discouragement

Returning to a site that I've photographed a number of times in the past year, I found yet another look, thanks to the angle of the shadows, and my choice of a low vantage point.  On this occasion, I think my iPhone was quite adequately suited to the technical requirements of the scene.  I like the inky black shadows, and even emphasized them in post-processing.

It is, of course, the abandoned bridge over Crabtree Creek near Crabtree Valley.  The Raleigh Greenway, my route to that spot, is still undergoing major work to install new storm sewer lines, and there are closures at Lindsay Drive and at Woodridge Drive.  However, people (not I) have lowered the orange plastic mesh barriers, and many walkers, runners, and bicyclists could be seen traveling the full length of the trail.  One needs to move carefully past some of the heavy equipment that has been left in place.

Ziva cautiously inspected piping for itinerant squirrels.

No mole sounds in there.

I think we're cleared to the next check point.

That's a friendly, inviting gateway if I've ever seen one!

And here we are at the old bridge.

In case you missed the opening photo, here it is again.



  1. Gorgeous photos! Ziva looks like one big bundle of furry love and curiousity!

    1. Thank you! She is equal parts furry love, curiosity, and insane levels of playful energy!


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