Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Z is for Ziva

Perhaps novelist Sue Grafton should consider using Ziva as the eponymous inspiration for the final installment of her ongoing "alphabet" murder mysteries.  I suspect Kinsey Millhone would approve, though I can't think of any connection the lovely and charming Ziva Dog Diva could have to nefarious activities.

Last night I was reading a different author's work (I've long since caught up with Grafton's output, and eagerly await "X is for..."), and parked on a sofa for comfort.  Ziva parked by my feet, only slightly overlapping one slipper (she often puts herself squarely on whatever part of me is available). So as I absorbed The Racketeer, by John Grisham, Ziva emitted z's...zzzzzzz.

One quick glance to be sure she had my permission:

She didn't budge when I reached one arm to the side to get this perspective (a camera phone is much more practical than a DSLR for this sort of shooting):

Today, when I got home from rehearsal, after we went for a hike, Ziva made it clear that she wanted to play with a "snowman" that she was recently given by a neighborhood friend.  Our dear friend has an older dog named Alexa, who was best friends with our late, beloved Photon.  Alexa had grown tired of some of her things, gets along well with Ziva, and Ziva seems really excited about getting to play with them herself.  She wanted an audience, too, so I obliged with a camera.

After the exercise (there was a lot of running and fetching), Ziva calmed down, looked around and sniffed...what dogs do to explore their surroundings, after all...so I caught some tight portraits.

"Why don't you put down that Grisham novel and get back to The Calculus Diaries (Jennifer Ouellette)?"  Okay Ziva, you don't have to monitor my reading habits, even though I do monitor your eating habits.

Permalink: http://jilcp.blogspot.com/2015/01/z-is-for-ziva.html


  1. Oh, she is soooo beautiful! And you're both so blessed to have found one another. Thanks for sharing your adventures with Ziva's fan club.

  2. You're welcome, and thanks for being a part of the fan club!


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