Sunday, November 30, 2014

ZZZZ time for Ziva

Children may need to be told when it's time for bed, but pet dogs don't seem to hesitate to sack out whenever they feel the need for zzzz  The only question is whether to nap at the spot where they last parked to observe a human companion, move to one of the soft way stations that have been provided for them at strategic intersections between rooms, or travel all the way across the house to the bedroom.  Nope, that last option isn't going to happen until said human also moves in that direction.  Canine satellites can even orbit while they sleep.



  1. I don't know which is sweeter...the way you describe her or the photos! She is such a lucky dog.

    1. We're lucky to have her. She is sweetening with time. I'm so glad that Ziva is beginning to understand that she has a permanent home.

  2. In what ways is she sweetening with time and what does she do to communicate to you that she realizes she has a permanent home now (e.g., knows how to find a favorite toy or something like that?)

    1. Good questions. Ziva still has lots of "puppy energy", and can be rambunctious when she meets a new person or dog, yet she is more and more inclined to quietly nuzzle me, and when I sit or am recumbent, she will groom me more gently than she used to do. Also, there is a sweetness in her eyes when we sit calmly and look at each other.

      I think that when Ziva decided to nap and was unconcerned by normal household noises, it showed one level of comfort. Then she became less worried when I left (e.g. for work), knowing that I would return. Another good sign was when she pulled a group of her toys out of a bucket that she has learned is "hers", arranged them around her floor mat, and took a nap amid the collection. I realize that the toys are a comfort, so it could be seen as a sign of her insecurity, but if you could have seen it I think you would have agreed, she was saying something like "this is my home too, I have things too, I can put them where I want to also!"

      Mostly, I think Ziva simply knows now that I'm hers!


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